(ATTENTION: sign–ups for the workshop are now closed; the list of the approved candidates will be announced in the second half of December.)
As part of the Gdańsk Meetings of Translators “Found in Translation”, City Culture Institute is organizing workshops for translators of English–language literature into Polish.
The workshops will take place in Gdańsk, in three sessions, six hours each, on 17 January, 21 February and 21 March, 2015. The group will work on their translation of selected literary text under the supervision of Agnieszka Pokojska, a professional translator.
The workshops are free of charge and open to everyone who wishes to participate. The admission will be decided based on sample translation of a fragment of Colin Barret’s short story, Diamonds (available here); applicants should translate the text from pages 4 and 5, from “Mellick was seventy. ” to “…a pliancy, that just then appealed”. Please send the translation, along with a short CV, to: (deadline: 25 November, 2014). The list of approved participants will be announced in the second half of December, 2014. Please direct any questions to the e-mail address above.
Agnieszka Pokojska, graduate in English, deals with both translation theory and practice. She teaches translation at the Institute of English Studies of the Jagiellonian University and Post–graduate Study for Literary Translators of the Jagiellonian University UNESCO Faculty, as well as at the Tischner European University. Recently she held workshops in literary translation at the University of East Anglia in Norwich.
As a translator, she cooperates with the “Zeszyty Literackie ” quarterly and numerous Polish publishing houses, translating belles–lettres, essay writing and non–fiction. In 2014, she published translations of Alice Munro’s The Moons of Jupiter, Peter Brook’s Evoking Shakespeare and Joyce Carol Oates’s Will You Always Love Me? And Other Stories.